Frederick Nash DeRosset
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At a Glance
Drafted into the army in WWI (1917-1918) in West Newton, MA
Was living in Brookline, MA in 1930 and 1940.
Biographical Data
Important Dates
Frederick Nash DeRosset was born on January 22, 1879, in Hillsborough, NC. He died on February 4, 1951, and was buried in Wilmington, NC.
Places of Residence
- Parents: William Lord DeRosset(t) (1832-1910) and Elizabeth Simpson Nash (1840-1915) .
- Siblings:
- Uncles: Frederick Kollock Nash (1839-1915), Samuel Simpson Nash (1848-1930), Henry Kollock Nash, Jr. (1850-1933) and Edmund Strudwick Nash (1854-1931).
- Aunts: Anne Strudwick Nash (1842-1921), Mary Kollock Nash (1844-1921), Susan Read Nash (1845-1924) and Ida Nash (1852-1852).
- Others: Mary A. Simpson (grandmother, 1819-1895), Henry Kollock Nash (grandfather, 1817-1897), Frederick Nash (great-grandfather), Elizabeth Nash Holt (niece, 1892-1909), William DeRosset Holt (nephew, 1896-1964), Mary Holt Burns (niece, 1898-1990) and Walter Lawrence Holt Jr. (niece, 1894-1947).