Occupation: teacher

List of Burwell School Students Who Were teachers

Elizabeth Ann Berry; Charlotte Ann Brown; Anna Robertson Burwell; Virginia Ann Fuller; Susan Mary Kirkland; Sarah Jane Kollock; Sarah Jane Kollock; Martha Frances Mebane; Annabella Giles Norwood; Annie Blount Pearce; Nannie Taylor Speed; Susan A. Webb; Mary Nash Witherspoon.

List of People Who Were teachers

Edwin W. Beale; Alice Berry; Lisbon Payne Berry; Mildred D. Berry; Rebecca J. Berry; Mary W. Burke; Clovena Cannon; Charles G. Craddock; Antonio di Martino; Leonard H Faucette; Calvin Newton Morrow; Hasell Norwood; Samuel J. Pearce; William Kirkland Ruffin; Mildred Whitted.