« return to database listFrom Caswell County, Sally Barton almost certainly is the Sarah C. Barton who died in Hillsborough at the age of seventeen. While nothing further is known of Sarah C. Barton, the Bartons were planters and farmers in northern Orange County, Person County, and Caswell County [1].
The summer of 1852 was the dread summer in which a malignant and highly contagious disease broke out in Hillsborough, apparently some form of dysentery with high fever. A surprising number of tombstones in the Old Town Cemetery bear 1852 death dates. Sally Barton died in Hillsborough at the age of seventeen and was buried in the Old Town Cemetery. Her gravestone is now in the open space to the north of Strudwick Hall in Hillsborough. It seems possible that, along with other tombstones, Sally's was moved during construction of Strudwick Hall [1].
Sarah was called Sally.
Sarah C. Barton was born in 1835. She died on August 16, 1852, and was buried in Hillsborough, NC.